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Could a Spine Doctor help with Digestive Issues?

Feb 23, 2024

The spine and stomach may be more closely related than we realise.

We tend to look at our health issues in isolation.

Suffering back, neck or shoulder pain, for instance? A chiropractor is likely to be your first port of call. But, for indigestion, chronic constipation, bloating or other gut-related problems, most people turn to over-the-counter or prescribed medication.

But the reality is, chiropractic care for digestive issues makes excellent sense when you look at the body holistically.

A strong spinal cord contributes to a robust immune system and the wellbeing of all the body’s systems, including a healthy bowel and gut. Considered in this light, chiropractic care for digestive issues actually makes a lot of sense!

Good gut health is vital to our sense of positivity ― all the more reason to be proactive in this regard.

A Picture of Gut Health

When it comes to our gut, unfortunately, the picture is far from rosy for Australians. Approximately 30 percent of us are affected by IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) according to the Health Direct website.

Living with heartburn, chronic abdominal pain, bloating, indigestion, chronic constipation, diarrhoea, etc, is difficult. Birthday parties, anniversaries, in fact most social gatherings invariably involve food. These everyday events can be fraught with worry for those with digestive issues.

In addition to the huge personal toll, there is the financial cost to consider. (In fact, gastrointestinal disorders was among the areas of highest spending for patients in public hospitals in 2019-20.)

How Chiropractic Care for Digestive Issues Helps

We have busy bodies! Your spine is part of the central nervous system, which is constantly sending signals to regulate breathing, digestion, the beating of your heart, and other essential functions. As you would imagine, any misalignment in the spine affects this vital communication pathway.

By correcting misalignments in the spine, chiropractic adjustments aim to revitalise the central nervous system. Better internal communication means overall health improves, which flows on to digestion. In fact, one study has indicated that chiropractic care is of benefit for indigestion (1). Given how widespread gut issues are, clearly, more research needs to be done in this area.

Holistic Overview

Modern living has so many pressures; it's common to hear people say things like: ‘I feel sick to my stomach’ or ‘I am living on my nerves’.

If you’ve already tried a range of remedies, perhaps chiropractic care for digestive issues should be your next step.


At Equilibrium Family Wellness, our chiropractor Dr Richard Kashmiri is known for his holistic approach and in-depth investigations into the root cause of issues.

No two people are the same, and depending on the situation, your treatment may involve adjusting the vertebrae or the use of soft tissue therapy to bring the skeletal and muscular systems into balance. Not only does this help with releasing tension and stress, it is also thought to enhance the body’s own ability to heal itself.

Every person deserves to reach their highest potential, digestive issues notwithstanding. This is why we often supplement healthcare with information and lifestyle recommendations.

Why not take a moment to contact us to book a consultation at our Brisbane chiropractic practice – your stomach will thank you for it!


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