Chiropractic Treatments

Chiropractic Treatments

Chiropractic - Check UP

Chiropractors are trained health professionals that focus on the health and function of the spine, the protective house for the master communication system of the body - The spinal cord and nerves.. Helping to restore proper spinal biomechanics and improved nervous system function begins with a patient’s case history. This gives the chiropractor a background about your health, such as surgeries, accidents, the onset of your condition, and other details affecting your current health. After reviewing your history and discussing your specific problem, a thorough musculoskeletal, and chiropractic examination is performed. X-rays may be taken to uncover structural and functioning problems associated with the spinal column. These examinations help identify areas of spinal malfunction and resulting nervous system deficit. The findings of these examinations are explained and a plan of chiropractic adjustments may be recommended. Progress is monitored with periodical examinations and follow-up reports.
Chiropractic uses safe and gentle, scientific methods for the relief of pain, spinal misalignment and nerve irritation. It is also effective in addressing many sports related injuries, like sprains and strains. If prevention sounds like a better idea, chiropractic also helps to keep your body functioning at its best.
Regular chiropractic checkups help keep you in tip-top shape. Those who are active, have stressful lives, or want to be their very best, find that a schedule of preventative visits are helpful in the maintenance of good health and for keeping your body functioning at its best

Chiropractic Treatment

Chiropractic was founded in 1895, in the USA, by Daniel David Palmer. It is based upon the understanding that good health is dependent upon a normally functioning nervous system, especially the spine and nerves extending from the spine to all parts of the body. Chiropractors may sometimes refer to a patient’s subluxation, which is a misalignment of the spine that interferes with nerve signals transmitted by the brain.
Our Chiropractors at Equilibrium Family Wellness will take a case history then examine the spine to ascertain any injuries, accidents or tension that may be causing irritation to the spinal nerve roots. By reducing or eliminating this irritation, the body will operate more efficiently and more comfortably. They may also refer a patient for x-rays, or Massage if this is considered to be necessary. There is an emphasis upon nutritional and exercise programs, along with advice on lifestyle modifications, as our Chiropractors believe that the body is a self-regulating organism with an inborn potential to be healthy.

Patients may be treated by gentle manipulation or adjustment of the spine, which are usually performed on a special Chiropractic table and this may be supplemented by massage therapy and stretching techniques. Length and frequency of treatments will vary depending on the degree of severity of the problem presented. As each patient is different so too is their chiropractic treatment and utilized techniques. Chiropractic is safe for the whole family here a Equilibrium Family Wellness our patients range for  kids to the over 90’s and everything in-between.

Chiropractic Techniques

There are hundreds of ways of using carefully directed and controlled pressure to restore these subluxated (Blocked, ‘stuck’ or fixated) joints. This may require a quick thrust by hand, the use of an adjusting tool (Activator), or in other instances a slow, constant pressure. Sometimes, only one area of the spine is adjusted, and other times the entire body may require attention. Interestingly, adjusting of the joints works directly by stimulating the control centers of your spinal cord and nervous system, helping them do their job better, and enabling you to maintain your own alignment easier.

Some adjusting approaches can result in a faint ‘popping’ sound, called a cavitation and do not hurt. This sound is created by the shifting of gas and fluid within the joint, not the crunching of bones. Contrary to popular belief, the presence or loudness of the sound has little meaning, and varies with each patient.
These are some of the techniques our Chiropractors frequently utilize during patient treatments.


A biomechanical model of analysing and adjusting the body. After careful testing and palpation, where indicated a specific manual thrust is administered to the spinal joint by hand. The direction, speed, depth and angle that is used is the result of years of experience, practice and a thorough understanding of spinal biomechanics. Commonly with this technique a small popping noise can be heard.

Charette Whole Body Adjusting

Once the spinal and pelvic dysfunction has been cleared, the Charette Technique allows the Chiropractor to accurately and quickly assess common mechanical and neurological imbalances within the peripheral structures of your body (arms, legs, and jaw). It is used to enhance nerve feedback to the brain and stabilise the spinal adjustments. Allowing your Chiropractor to treat your whole body….not just the spine.


Thompson Terminal Point technique is an analysis system based around the findings that subluxations produce a functional short leg. With this adjusting technique, individual cushions or drop pieces located along our adjusting table, support each area of your spine until the thrust is delivered, at which point the drop-piece gently gives way, reducing the amount of energy needed to produce movement of a specific spinal segment.


Another safe and effective manual approach to examining and adjusting the body. Utilising the information gained from x-ray evaluation and spinal palpation, Gonsteads’ foundation principle explains how a subluxation pattern in one area of the spine can produce compensatory changes in another. Commonly with this manual adjusting technique a joint release can be heard.


The Activator Methods is one of the most popular low force Chiropractic techniques in the world. This time-tested protocol tells us if subluxations exist and their location. It also helps us know when to adjust and when not to adjust. The Adjusting Instrument is a handheld spring-loaded tool that delivers a consistent low-force, high-speed thrust, making adjustments comfortable and effective, especially for younger patients and the elderly.

Sacro-Occipital-Technique (SOT)

Sacro-Occipital-Technique focuses on the patterns and relationship between the cranium (occiput) and the pelvis (sacrum). To obtain adjustments it utilises pelvic blocking, gentle spinal pressure, and cranial releases to restore normal neurological control and dural tension to the body systems.

Soft Tissue Therapy

Many subluxation patterns (both acute and chronic) can cause scarring to occur within the surrounding tissues. Where indicated our Chiropractors incorporate specific release techniques to these tissues in order to promote improved blood flow, reduce muscular pain symptoms, and speed up repair. In conjunction with your adjustments, this allows natural recovery to occur quickly. If necessary we may also refer you to another therapist to facilitate this process.


All too frequently, injuries (both past and present), introduce faulty muscular, postural and movement patterns that the body retains within its neurological framework (brain programs). Once stable, we incorporate rehabilitation exercises into your treatment program in order to repair and retrain these systems for total recovery and stabilisation. Naturally, we work within your body limits and customise the exercises to help you achieve your desired goals.
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